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Monday 11 October 2010

Ingrebourne Hill Vis Miging October 11th

Day off from work so decided to visit the hill in the hope of seeing some migration, great weather at dawn, the forecast looked good with a brisk north easterly wind and clear unbroken sunshine.
 The bird that I really was after was Ring Ouzel after yesterdays showing when they were popping up all over London, it has also become a bogey bird for the patch, they are seldom recorded here at the Ingrebourne Valley, hopefully this morning could change that.

Mixed Godfinch and Linnet flock

From 7.00am to 9.15am the following was seen or heard

Redwing – 162, largest group approx 35, all west or north west

Starling – 60 all west

Wood Pigeon – 1 group of 40 high south

Stock Dove – 6 a single group south

Redpoll sp – 2 over north calling

Swallow – 4 all east

Skylark – 23, 2 groups of 12 and 11 north

Meadow Pipit – 18 all north west, highest group 5

Fieldfare – a single bird landed on the hill

Jackdaw – 216, groups of 30, 100, 32 and 54 all high south west. Unusual to see this many moving, behaviour was the same for all 4 groups.They all came in from the north east, landed on the Hill and fed in the short grass, this looks as if it has just been planted up. All the groups then, after a short period of feeding, 20 minutes or so, then lifted up high thermaled round to gain height and then headed of south west. I watched them go through bins, they carried on until out of sight.

No Ring Ouzel or anything that stands out, hopefully they are saving themselves for the weekend when I can get up there again.

More Jackdaws
Even more Jackdaws

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