Needless to say it has been a year that none of us could have ever imagined, hopefully 2021 will bring us all better fortune and a return to some sort of normality, whichever that may be.
Not unexpectantly due to the 1st lockdown, I could not cover any of the sites but caught up at later stages at the various sites.
Of the 17 Peregrine sites I monitor or are involved in, they produced 30 juveniles, for comparison 2019 produced 32 juveniles from 14 sites with 2018 producing 32 juveniles from 13 sites. In terms of the number of sites, a slightly reduced return but taking into account new pairs and failures about right. I have often thought that if they all get it right one year, there is the potential for 40+ juveniles but extremely unlikely as they are all in different stages of breeding, young and old.
In 2020 it was as follows:
Nest Box – 8 pairs - 23 juveniles
Trays – 1 pair – (usual 2nd Tray pair went missing but turned up in August) – 3 juveniles
Pylon – 1 pair – 2 juveniles
Factory – 1 pair natural – 2 juveniles
That leaves 6 pairs – as follows
New – 2 pairs on territory
1 pair did not return to breed at a 2019 nest site
1 pair (Tray pair) did not return to nest site but present now
1 pair on territory but have not bred since 2017
1 pair (Parliament) on territory but did not breed – nest box
2 new pairs came to light in the first lockdown and Met Police Wildlife Officers kindly investigated and confirmed occupancy, both are on buildings that, as yet, have no breeding capacity or position. Working on that and hoping to get something in place before the 2021 breeding season.
A new nest box went in and was accepted producing 3 juveniles, that always gives a lot of satisfaction, not just to me but all the people involved in the project.
The Tray pair that did not come back was an odd one, consistent breeders since 2006; they have produced 30 juveniles from 15 breeding seasons with 4 fails. They suddenly turned up again just after the breeding season was over, it’s likely that for some reason or other they decided on another position and failed. There on CCTV so they were well covered, hopefully 2021 will resume normal service. Where they breed in regards to fledging has always been not ideal and I have lost count over the years the number of juveniles I have had to get back near the nest site.
Of the new pairs, the Factory pair are quite remarkable, having now watched them a number of times, I can confirm that they spend most of their time inside, totally at home in the semi darkness morphing into Owls it seems. Again it shows just how resilient and adaptable as a species they are, when they do take prey outside, instead of eating outside in the brighter conditions, its straight back inside the Factory to feed.
Fledging in an urban environment has and always will be hazardous for juveniles; there are simply so many pitfalls and traps awaiting them in London’s landscape, that is without landing and grounding on their maiden flights.
Counting back this year there were 12 ‘grounders’ or trapped individuals who had got themselves into situations where they neither had the strength, or experience to extricate themselves from.
Glass balconies continue to flummox them, they simply have no idea how to get past and through them seeing the wide world beyond, in most cases they lack the strength and vertical take off prowess to get over a 1.1m+ balcony. They will simply bash away at it before accepting the inevitable and just sit there having worn themselves out.

One from Parliament a few years back
Glass Balcony Juvenile
Sadly they don't always make it
Completely flummoxed
Many of the grounders were taken to Sue, Tom and the staff at the South Essex Wildlife Hospital by me or the RSPCA for checking, as you know they do priceless work there and I cannot thank them and the staff enough, for the number of juveniles I have been able to return back over the years simply down to there hard work.
A massive shout goes out also to members of the public, who keep an eye out for fledgers, without their intervention many would fall foul to Foxes and predation.
I also have to say a massive thanks to Paul and Shaun for all their assistance in the last few years, at 63, it’s getting harder to cover it all and there help has been invaluable. Both of them have helped a lot, beit rescuing juveniles, materials for boxes and helping me install them.
Being installed on December 13th
On one site of 4 juveniles, all 4 came croppers with 2 grounding and thankfully being spotted, with the other 2 getting themselves trapped in tower block garden areas wall up on all sides. They simply do not have the capacity or stamina to go straight up, Kestrel yes, Peregrines build is simply too big and heavy. In some of the places I found them even an adult would have struggled, the difference being though is that an adult would never get it itself in that position, juveniles have to learn to gain the experience, sometimes it costs them sadly.
So all in all another season goes by which marks my 20th year involved in Peregrines, another shout is for my buddie Dusty Gedge who started me off on this journey all those years ago at Battersea Power Station. His help steered me onto this course with Peregrines, Black Redstarts and Surveys, so I owe him big time.