With the extreme conditions and heavy snow recently, I visited the Sewage Works a couple of times over the cold period.
Beckton has always provided a massive food source for many species over the winter, you only have to look at the number of wintering Chiffchaff present each year, in the cold spell Lapwing amongst others were actively feeding around the tanks.
Species like Common Snipe were also present along with the Lapwing, single Dunlin and a real hard one to get here, Ringed Plover.
All were here looking for food, it is exceptionally hard for them in this weather, the Thames foreshore always comes up trumps as well, never freezing, thankfully for wildlife so does the Sewage Works.
Even the Curlew was feeding around the tanks which was a surprise as they are usually quite a timid bird.
In a 3 hour visit I recorded 16 Lapwing, 14 Common Snipe, Jack Snipe, 9 Black Tailed Godwit, 2 Common Sandpipers, Curlew, Green Sandpiper, 33 Redshank, Stonechat (mega here) and Rock Pipit.
A good selection of waders, remarkably also the wintering Common Buzzard is still on site, it has been present all winter, with breeding just round the corner it will surely go soon.
Still here, Rabbits will breathe a sigh of relief when it goes |