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Friday 26 June 2015

Peregrines and Fledging

After last year’s 6 grounded birds, I am relieved to say that so far this year, I am just about out of the woods, only 3 have grounded thankfully. It’s been touch and go on a few pairs but by and large they have had a good fledging year, this is referring to the pairs that I monitor.

Much, I must say has been down to the weather, good breezy days throughout most of June has aided there maiden flights, the worse scenario has always been hot still days with no wind whatsoever. It is the worse weather for fledging with no lift to be gained, if there on a site with little exercise area around the nest box, the inevitable usually happens.

The 1st grounded bird, recovered from a bruised shoulder and went back with the fasmily.

Of the 3 that grounded this year, all ended up with Sue at the South Essex Wildlife Hospital, the 2nd bird that came down was very fortunate indeed.

This bird chose to fledge it appears late evening, it was on a Thames side site and was fortunately spotted by a docked ship crew, caught up it appeared in barbed wire.
Fearing the worse, I headed down there after a phone call around 10.00pm from security, on arrival it was positioned against the wire but very low.

I crept up on the bird and managed to grab it, in the dark I could not see if it had sustained injury, the area is rife with Foxes and there would have been little doubt that it would not have made it through the night.
By the time I got home it was around 11.30pm, I couldn’t put it down in the garage so it spent the night in my front room, in the box it was not stressed.
The following morning I took it to Sue, during the day they gave it a thorough examination and it was declared fit, uninjured and healthy I am glad to say.
Checking it over the following morning before it went to the Wildlife Hospital
The following day it was released back with its family, since then I have seen it in the air with its 2 siblings so a good result.

Aside from these 3 I received another call on June 8th, another pair I monitor, one of the 2 juveniles had fledged and been found dead right underneath the nest ledge, it was put in a bag and I picked it up on the following day.
When I opened the bag it was apparent that it was not one of the juveniles but was in fact a female Sparrowhawk.

Slightly relieved, it was still a sad event, it is nature however and the lack of flesh on the neck and being directly underneath the nest ledge pointed towards it being taken by one of the adult peregrines.

I suspect given to one of the juveniles who probably dropped it.

Partly eaten Sparrowhawk, a sad event but that is nature

The hard part of the year, fledging is now over, I will shortly put together a review.