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Saturday 13 July 2024

Peregrines and Kestrels

On a couple of sites over the years, I have been lucky enough to observe close proximity breeding, of both Peregrines and Kestrels to each other.

Like Feral Pigeons, Kestrels will not move from a traditional nest site just because Peregrines are present closely, it can obviously be dangerous/hazardous for the Kestrels as I have recorded them, along with Sparrowhawks at a few sites as prey.

Battersea Power Station was where I first came across both species nesting within 40 metres of each other in an urban scenario ,since then, although not common, I have seen it on at least 4 other Peregrine sites that I monitor.

                                                                    Kestrel Young



I visited one site recently, which fledged 5 juvenile peregrines, this coincided exactly with the nearby Kestrels – 60 metres between each nest site, the Kestrels fledged 3 juveniles at the same time.
Obviously, the last thing you want to see is the adult Tiercel/Falcon targeting the Kestrel young, a couple of times they received the full attention of the adults, but thankfully no response even fairly close.

Its quite obvious the adult Kestrels are aware, plenty of alarm calls every time a juvenile peregrine flew near, also some mobbing but thankfully no targeting, although at times all 3 Kestrel young appeared to be pushing their luck in front and close to the adult Peregrines.

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