A bright morning with hardly any cloud meant that I could start a Butterfly/Dragonfly transect so headed straight for Hornchurch Sports Stadium.
As soon as I walked round the corner, I heard the high pitched calling of a Firecrest, located it, alerted others and eventually got a couple of half decent photo's.As far as I could tell it looked like a male, very early in the year, they dont breed here, so not sure if a migrant or a breeder from further afield.Shaun arrived but unfortunately it dissapeared.
Firecrest |
Male |
Carried on from here, constantly looking up as it looked good for a raptor, recorded 2 Common Buzzards, 1 of which was tangling with a female Sparrowhawk, 7 Chiffchaffs, 44 Teal and 18 Rooks and 14 Jackdaws in the top paddock.
Common Buzzard and Sparrowhawk |
Also got treated to a flyby Lancaster bomber, there was an open day as part of the Battle of Britain theme and this little beauty flew past, quite a sight.
Lancaster Bomber |
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