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Friday 28 June 2024

Parliament Latest

I can confirm that all 4 juveniles have fledged and are flying well, this is despite 2 of them 'grounding' whilst undertaking the fledging process, all thankfully were rescued and relocated to the roof of Victoria Tower.

The roof of Victoria Tower is the agreed relocation spot for releasing them back with the adults, it is high and easy for them to fly off when they are ready, no disturbance, but above all the adults will see them aloft and then feed them.

A recent visit over 3 and a half hours had both adults hunting distantly, just the one juvenile received prey during that time, this was a Great Spotted Woodpecker. With the brighter blue skies and sunshine, prey species like Feral Pigeon and Ring-Necked Parakeet etc will see them far easier as they are targeted.

                                                                 2 Juveniles

                                                                      Adult Tiercel


                                                Juvenile with Great Spotted Woodpecker

I was also keeping an eye out for the long staying male immature from 2023, no sign so very possible with chicks/juveniles present, his presence may not have been tolerated.



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