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Friday, 14 January 2022

Parliament and Boxes


The newish pair at Parliament are looking good for breeding, fingers crossed, if you recall the resident Tiercel was found dead last summer in Whitehall from collision.

A new Tiercel soon bonded with the Falcon and replaced him, hopefully it may be what is needed to aid successful breeding, however it could just be down to the Falcon alone and a fertility issue has surfaced with her age, we will see.

The last successful breeding was in 2018 in the nest box on Victoria Tower, previous to this they bred successfully in the nest box in 2016 and 2017, in each year 3 juveniles fledged.

Previous to this they bred on Keybridge House, Vauxhall (now demolished) from 2008 - 2015 fledging 14 juveniles, successful in 4 breeding seasons but also failing in 4.

Time will tell and the end of this month/February, pair bonding – display and copulation will begin hopefully, watch this space.......

Kestrel Box

On Sunday Jan 9th myself and Paul installed a Kestrel Box on a local Oak Tree, been looking into ways of installing it on the tree without using screws.

I decided on a high strength rope to take the weight of the box and then 4 bungee cords, 2 top and 2 bottom to keep it tight to the tree. The thinking is, that as the tree grows, the cords will stretch with it, will have to check it annually but hopefully it should work.

Kestrels are in the area and I have stuck a cam on it to track any activity.

Barn Owl Box No 2

Following on from the Barnie box fitted in late December, it took them 2 nights to locate it, since then constant activity on the Cam covering it so hopefully a good sign for this year.

The cam also picked up someone passing, just can’t resist a selfie.


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