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Friday 4 October 2024

Spain - Sea watching in the Med

Having had a good look at E Bird previously, I had discovered a sea watching venue not far down the coast, basically at La Cala, it was a hotspot as well so decided to give it a go.

Less than 10 minutes down the A7 saw me arriving Punta y Observatorio de Calaburras, a headland with a lighthouse nearby. Easy and accessible, with parking right next to where you watch from, I got in position and started a sea watch.

Winds were not ideal and not many species came to close, but all in all I thoroughly enjoyed it, beginning at 8.45a.m, I watched until 10.30a.m and recorded 18 species, highlights below.

Cory’s Shearwater – 31 – one or 2 relatively close but most far out.

Balearic Shearwater – 12 – again none close.

Sandwich Tern – 6

Whimbrel – 2

Audouins Gull – 1

Gannet – 6

I also recorded 2 Ringed and Kentish Plover on the beach, along with 6 Sanderlings, these gave very good views.
Lots more crossing further out but too far out to ID confidently.

                                                                Very distant Cory's

                                                                      Grey Herons

                                                 Kentish, Ringed Plover and Sanderlings

A good site and judging by some of the checklist totals on Ebird, fantastic numbers going through in the right conditions, another site to go to next year.